Reading 06

            Based on the readings and my own prior knowledge of the Edward Snowden case, I view Snowden as a hero. Even though I do believe that the United States should have a surveillance program, I think that that way in which it was completely unknown to the public prior to this leak makes Snowden’s actions honorable.
            In order to release what he knew to the public, Edward Snowden gathered information regarding surveillance activities that the NSA was conducting. The 2016 film Snowden portrays this with Snowden secretly downloading data from his NSA facility onto a very small memory card and hiding it within a Rubik’s Cube. He was able to pass through the intense security leaving the facility because none of the guards thought to check his Rubik’s Cube for stolen material. Snowden then leaves the United States and heads to Hong Kong where he lives in a hotel and provides the information to media sources. The media sources then go public with the information Snowden provided them. The information that was leaked revealed that the NSA had been collecting data from text messages, phone calls, and all other forms of internet communication between individuals.
            While I do believe that at any organization it is illegal for an employee to “steal” information, I feel as if Snowden’s actions were ethically and morally acceptable. We live in a country in which we have the right to privacy, and in this situation, the NSA was violating United States citizens’ privacy by collecting this data on them without their knowledge. I believe that we, as citizens of the United States, have the right to know if we are being watched or listen to by our government. That being said, I would support a mass scale surveillance program given that we were given some notification that it was going on. I value not only my, but everyone in our country’s security more than my privacy.
            To my understanding, I believe that Snowden’s actions were beneficial to citizens of the United States. As mentioned above, citizens of the United States have a right to privacy and unknowingly having their conversations listened to is clearly a violation of that right. The readings mention that while the program that Snowden leaked was in full affect, not one terrorist attack was caught and stopped. In that sense, the restoration of our right to privacy outweighs the loss of security, as the security aspect of the program, in a sense, did not achieve its goal. As I have stated before, I would support a mass surveillance program as I value security over privacy as long as the public was made aware of what type of surveillance was going on. Going along with that, part of the reason I would support such a program is because I have no reason to hide any of my conversations from the government. It both amazes me and frightens me that technology enables to do these amazing things. I still have a hard time understanding that I can communicate with someone on the other side of the globe with little to no delay, and the fact that the government can essentially listen to or read every word I speak or write respectively during that conversation is mind boggling.


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